Terms and Conditions

Ceasing Tuition

  • A student may only cease tuition at the end of a school term.
  • 2 weeks notice must be given to the Key Music Australia Office prior to the end of the current school term
  • Payment will be required for a full term of lessons
  • Key Music Australia does not offer refunds.

Cancellation Policy
If your child cannot attend their music lesson, please email us at office@keymusicaustralia.com.au Provide the following details in the email: Student Name, School, Date & Time of Absence. Lesson absence messages are not received via the phone system. The more notice we have of absences, the more options we have to arrange make up lessons for those owed one.

Group Lessons – No make up lesson is offered for missed group lessons as the lesson will go ahead with the other students in the group and the tutor must be paid for their time.

Private Lessons – 24 hours notice must been given to the Key Music Australia Office if missed private lessons are to be considered for a make up lesson.

KMA Cancelled Lessons – group or private lessons cancelled by Key Music (due to tutor absence or clash with a major school event such as School Camp) will be credited with a make up lesson or credit at the discretion of KMA.

Parents do not need to ask for a make up lesson. Where possible Key Music prefers make up lessons to credits and we actively look for opportunities across the term. However it is important to note that make up lessons are limited by the instrument type, tutor availability, room availability and the student’s availability, and so in most instances a lesson credit will be added to the next term’s invoice.

Consideration may be given to extended absences due to illness, injury, or extended holidays of more than 2 weeks duration where sufficient notice has been provided. Please email us at office@keymusicaustralia.com.au.

Fees & Payments

  • Tuition fees are for a full school term. 
  • An invoice will be emailed to you at the beginning of each term. 
  • Changes to invoices are NOT PERMITTED.
  • Invoices are to be paid by the due date which is clearly marked on the invoice. 
  • Late payments will result in a late fee of $35 and lessons being put on hold until payment is received or an arrangement is made with our office. 
  • If payments are continually received late the student will be placed on a prepayment system where no lessons will be given until all fees are paid.
  • Late payments will be referred to our Debt Collection Agency.

Payment Methods

  • Key Music Australia only accepts payment via Direct Transfer and Credit Card.
  • A processing fee of 1.75% per invoice applies to all credit card payments.
  • No fee applies to payments made by direct transfer. 
  • Payments via cheque or cash are not accepted.
  • Tutors cannot receive any payments. 
  • When paying by Direct Transfer and credit card please ensure that the description clearly states your invoice number Eg. INV1271 .  Due to the high volume of Direct Transfer payments that we receive, it is not possible to track a payment without the invoice number.


  • All personal information collected by Key Music Australia remains private and confidential and will only be used by staff and band committee members of the school your child attends and by the staff and tutors of Key Music Australia. It will not be disclosed to anyone.
  • You can access your stored personal information at any time by sending an email to privacy@keymusicaustralia.com.au
  • Key Music Australia does not collect Credit Card Details. All credit card payments are processed securely by our Credit Card Provider – Stripe. More information can be found at www.stripe.com/au


  • Key Music Australia only provides supervision for students during their allocated lesson or rehearsal time. 
  • If students arrive onsite before their lesson time or band rehearsal or stay onsite after their lesson time or band rehearsal they are not the responsibility of Key Music Australia.
  • Students must be picked up immediately at the completion of their lesson time or band rehearsal.
  • Although lessons and band rehearsals take place on school grounds, the school only provides very limited playground supervision before and after school. Parents must provide adequate supervision for students with lessons / rehearsals outside of these hours.


  • Key Music Australia operates as per the NSW public school terms. 
  • Lessons are not held in school holidays or on public holidays. 
  • In most schools, student free days are held on the first Monday of term in terms 1, 2 & 3.  Key Music Australia lessons are not held on these days unless otherwise specified. 


  • All Key Music Australia tutors have undergone a selection process and have been carefully chosen because of their teaching skills, musical abilities and rapport with students. 
  • Key Music Australia will where possible retain the same tutor for a student, however in some circumstances a tutor may need to be changed at short notice.  

Child Protection

  • All Key Music Australia tutors have been screened with the “Working with Children Check” under the Child Protection Act. 
  • Key Music Australia considers child protection to be an important issue and all tutors have an understanding of the duty of care towards the students they teach. 


  • Key Music Australia has Public Liability insurance. 
  • All tutors are covered by both public liability and workers compensation insurance whilst working for Key Music Australia.