Getting the most out of your Band Method Book
Students are issued with a Band Method Book when they commence lessons. The purpose of this book is to give students the general information needed to start playing an instrument. As all students work out of the same book it means they are all progressing at a similar rate and when they come together as a band they can all play the same songs together (Eg. Hot Cross Buns, Mary had a little lamb, Jingle Bells etc).
The method book is also a good reference for students to reference back to in the coming months and years as it has all the notes listed in it and shows how to play them. So even though students will eventually progress on from their band method book, do not throw it away, as students will still benefit from it in the future.
There are a variety of different band method books available. Key Music Australia uses the Sound Innovations Band Method Book. We have used most of the main method books available over the years and in 2013 we commenced using the the Sound Innovations Book as they have released an Australian version. This is the first publisher to release an Australian band method book which is great as there are certain musical terminology that are different in Australia than America (where the majority of the method books are published). Eg. In Australia we refer to a crotchet. In America they call this a quarter note.
A DVD and CD/MP3 is included with the method book. This has a selection of videos that can be helpful for beginner students. There are also demonstrations of the songs from the book as well as backing tracks to play along to. Many students do not take advantage of the DVD/CD/MP3’s that are available with the method book. We encourage you to explore what is available.